If you are interested in becoming a beekeeping this video will show you how to introduce a new colony of bees to a hive. Called a Nuc this colony is like a small starter set of bees.
It will have a queen and a small amount of bees to get the hive started.Bees serve a very important function is the world when it comes to food production, their desire for gathering nectar from the local plants lead to a very necessary process called pollination. Without this pollination of the flowering plants on our farms, we would not be able to grow a wide number of the plants raised for our food supply.
This video was designed to show the process of moving a NUC of bees into a new hive.
The video is from,Survivology 101 and is very interesting.
The presenter created the video as a way to help educate viewer on best, safest way to introduce a new NUC (nucleus) of bees into a new breeder box. All of the information is presented in a way that makes it really easy to watch and follow.
Benefits of watching the video Beekeeping 101: How To Introduce a New Colony of Bees to a Hive
Learn how to safely add a nucleus of bees into a breeder box for the first time.
The video was designed to help those who are new to beekeeping or who are wanting to get more information.
The presenter on the video walks the viewer through the whole process from start to finish in hopes to educate them.
The use of the video medium in order to get the information out is perfect in that there is a visual reference to go along with the words.