Runny nose, watery eyes, frequent sneezing. Sounds familiar? Anyone with allergies will be able to relate.
Having allergies can be a real pain, especially when they are triggered by things out of our control – like pollen or certain species of trees, or adorable pets.
One common trigger for allergic reactions in an ordinary house can be plain old dust. A dusty home can be a serious trigger for those with allergies. But with a bit of work, you can keep a dust allergy under control. Read on to find out how.
Vacuum Frequently
By using a cordless vacuum cleaner to suck up dirt and dust, you’re one step closer to keeping your dust allergy in check.
Dirt, dust and household debris are facts of life. As long as you live in a home they will be there. By vacuuming frequently you can keep the levels of dust down and hopefully control your allergy.
It’s a bit of work, but to keep the dirt and dust under control you should vacuum every second day, rather than letting the dust build up and risk an allergy attack.
Change Your Flooring
Unfortunately, carpet is a major dust trap. It loves to collect dust and dirt. Just look at your vacuums container once you run it over some carpet to see – it fills up quickly.
If you have carpeted areas in your home, you may want to consider ripping it up and laying down some timber, laminate or engineered flooring. This is an expense, yes, but these types of flooring are much better for those with a dust allergy.
Dust Surfaces Often
Dust also loves to settle on any and every surface in your home. From your kitchen bench to your dressers, skirting and desks.
Make sure you dust these surfaces often, with a damp cloth and an appropriate cleaning material for the type of surface. Twice a week is the sweet spot if you have a dust allergy.
Hot Wash Your Bedding Weekly
Run your sheets, linen and other bedding through a hot wash cycle once a week. Dust mites love to settle on bedding, and you don’t want to be sleeping in a dusty bed which could trigger a reaction.
The reason for the hot wash cycle is that the hot water will kill off the dust mites.
You can make it part of your weekend routine so it’s not too onerous, plus washing linen on a weekday is tricky due to the time required to dry it.
Maintain a Low Humidity Environment
You can do this using air condition or dehumidifier machines. You want around below 50 percent humidity. You can measure this with a tool purchased at your local hardware shop.
Don’t Be Afraid to Use Medicine
Medicine is wonderful stuff, invented for the benefit of humanity. Don’t be afraid to take some when you’ve tried all the above tips and are still having an allergy attack. Most allergy medications like antihistamines can be purchased over the counter at your local pharmacy, although if you need something stronger you may have to visit a doctor for a prescription.
A Clean Conclusion
To avoid triggering a dust allergy at home, follow these steps.
- Vacuum frequently to remove dust and dirt from your floor, once every two days
- If you have carpeted floors, consider replacing them with timber, laminate or engineered flooring
- Dust all surfaces often
- Wash your bed linen in hot water once a week
- Choose carpet for allergies and pets
- Maintain a low humidity environment in your house
- Don’t be afraid to use medicine or seek medical advice.