How to make a rocket stove out of a log. We have all seen the tutorials for making rocket stoves out of paint cans and other various items but this is the first one I have seen made out of only a log. To make it you need a drill so if you want a rocket stove for camping you might want to prep your log ahead of time.

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This is pretty neat because you can cook on it and then put the fire out and cook on it again later or if you are heading home you can throw it on your campfire as extra wood. What is neat about it being made out of a log is that you only need a few pieces of fat wood to get the fire started and then is will continue on its own because the fire is actually from the log itself burning.
The tutorial is in the great video from Intense Angler. He shows how once you have your fire going to set a few small stones on the log to act as a holder for your coffee pot or pan, or you can drive nails into the log to do the same thing. If you aren’t going camping he suggests making this on th patio to roast marshmallows.
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