This super simple step by step tutorial of how to make colored ice jewels winter snow in another great way to have fun playing in the snow during cold temperatures. We try to do small things to entertain and boost the imagination level in small children’s minds. With the popularity of the children’s movie “Frozen”, winter has become a magical time for most small children.
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Materials needed:
Thick Balloons
Pair of Scissors
Tap Water
Food Coloring or Bathwater Color Changing Tablets
Simple Instructions:
Gently stretch a balloon each direction. Blow up and release air out of balloon.
Add a few drops of food coloring or place one bathwater color changing tablet in different combinations to achieve the desired color inside a balloon and fill it up with water.
Tie balloon securely.
You have a choice – you can place balloons in the freezer for four to six hours or simply place balloons in a cradle of snow and leave overnight to freeze by the outside elements.
Once frozen snip the knot off the balloon and remove plastic balloon material from frozen colored ice jewel.

Click here to read about How To Make Colored Ice Jewels: