Food Storage & SkillsHow to Make Homemade Honey Sticks Project

How to Make Homemade Honey Sticks Project

This simple step by step tutorial of how to make homemade honey sticks project will make your favorite natural sweetener more portable so you can take it anywhere easily.

Honey sticks can either be used to boost up one’s energy or just to sweeten up one’s beverage or dessert. The best part is that they have a high shelf-life i.e. preservation is easy.

How to Make Homemade Honey Sticks Project

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Not only honey sticks are a delicious treat but they are very healthy as well because of the fact that honey contains glucose, all of the B-complex, A, C, D, E, and K, minerals and trace elements: magnesium, sulfur, phosphorus, iron, etc. Honey also happens to have the highest enzyme content.

Apart from all the health benefits, honey sticks are very delicious and easy to make. This DIY is on making honey sticks. It has all the information you need on making honey sticks yourself.

This tutorial is made as simple as possible and consists of the following steps:
• Materials Required: This step tells you about all the material you will need and in what quantity are they required. The materials include Honey, Straws, Candle and Needle Nose Pliers.

• Cut the Straws in Desired Length

• Fill the Straw with Honey

• Pinch the End of the Straw Closed

• Melt the End of the Straw to Seal it

• Let the Straw Sit So That the Honey Can Settle to the Bottom

• Seal the Second End

• Enjoy Your Delicious Honey Sticks

• Other Applications for This Technique

This is a very simple and easy DIY project that can easily be done at home with little arrangements and materials. In this tutorial, pictures are provided with almost all steps so that you can better understand the context and what your final product should look like. You will definitely enjoy eating these sticks but also love making them.

Note: To open these delicious treats bite and/or pinch on the heat seal at one end of the honey stick and squeeze to open.

Click here to read about How to Make Homemade Honey Sticks Project:

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Melissa Francis
Melissa Francis
Greetings! I'm Melissa Francis, the founder and primary contributor to The Homestead Survival. With over 20 years of experience in homesteading, sustainability, and emergency preparedness, I've dedicated my life to helping others achieve a simpler, more self-reliant lifestyle.

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