BeveragesHow To Make Rhubarb Champagne

How To Make Rhubarb Champagne

       I did not know that you could make rhubarb champagne until now. You can make it and it is sort of like a cider. No yeast is used so it doesn’t make it alcoholic although I guess from the fermenting it could have a small percentage. Optomod along with his children ( it’s a kid friendly drink) show how to make this at home. It looks pretty easy to make and its ready for bottling in 48 hours and you can drink it after about a week from when you put it into the bottles.



              It does get carbonated  and if your rhubarb is red the rhubarb champagne will have a pretty color to it. He gives all the instructions in the video but he uses metric measurements so I am putting the instructions here in the measurements we use in the US.


2 and a half gallons of water
4 1/2 cups chopped rhubarb
3 pounds 1 ounce table sugar
Juice and Zest of 5-6 lemons
3 Tablespoons of White Wine Vinegar

Place all ingredients into a large container, cover and leave in a cool spot for 48hrs.
Strain well to remove all solids.
Bottle and leave for at least a week prior to drinking.

Zero gravity…well maybe 0.5%, enough for carbonation.
Kid safe 😉

     The second video is of him reviewing a rhubarb champagne, I believe before he made his own and I am adding the video so you can see the amount of carbonation the champagne has, even though the rhubarb champagne he reviews must not have been the red variety of rhubarb.

          I finally have rhubarb that came up last year after following the instructions in the post, How  Grow Rhubarb – Plants, Seeds, Harvesting so I may try to make some of this once it comes up and gets big enough to cut. The rhubarb champagne sounds like it would be a great refreshing summer drink, nice and chilled. He has other brewing recipes   on youtube if you are interested.

Rhubarb Champagne Review

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Melissa Francis
Melissa Francis
Greetings! I'm Melissa Francis, the founder and primary contributor to The Homestead Survival. With over 20 years of experience in homesteading, sustainability, and emergency preparedness, I've dedicated my life to helping others achieve a simpler, more self-reliant lifestyle.

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