As the summer season winds down, it is time to think about mothballing (storing) your small engine machines that you have been using all summer. Your lawn mower, weed eater, chain saw, hedge clippers and any other small 2 and 4 stroke engines. Some times folks get busy or forget to do the maintenance on them before storing away for the year.
This can cause problems when spring and summer roll around again and you try to start up that mower. If you didn’t mothball it before storing you may have problems getting it to start or to run well if it does start. This is because the gasoline left in it over the winter has degraded and will almost have varnished the carburetor.
As the summer season winds down, it is time to think about mothballing (storing) your small engine machines that you have been using all summer. You lawn mower, weed eater, chain saw, hedge clippers ans any other small 2 and 4 stroke engines.
 The gas left sitting sort of gels and will gum up everything. It is a pretty big job to get it all cleaned out and running properly again.
Preparedness advice tells us how to moth ball our small engines so that when we need them again they will run well right from the start. He gives instruction for both 2 stroke and 4 stroke engines as they need different methods. This takes a little time but when done will save you both time and money when you need these small machines again. This is also true at the end of winter for your snow blowers. Generators as well should be mothballed after you use them.
You have it for in case of emergency but if you don’t take the time to store it properly it won’t be there to help in that emergency. Learning how to mothball your small engines is a great way to save your self some trouble and money when the time comes to use those machines again.