OrchardsHow to Plant Homesteading Fruit Trees That Produce

How to Plant Homesteading Fruit Trees That Produce

How to Plant Homesteading Fruit Trees That Produce

How to Plant Homesteading Fruit Trees That Produce bigger harvests takes careful proper planting to give your new fruit tree a proper root foundation.

How to Plant Homesteading Fruit Trees That Produce

Are you planning to plant a lot of fruit or nut trees? Do you need a guide on how to start planting? Then this article is for you that can help you work smarter…. not harder.
This article has lots of pictures used as examples, to give you a clear outline of the steps needed. The number of trees that need to be planted (in this article) is around 18. With that amount of planting to do, the author of the article gives you insights and information on how to plant trees effectively.







The article gives you the tips on what you need to do when planting. It is straight-forward information with lots of pictures to show as an example. You can start by prepping the planting site, clearing of debris, and sods. Give at least a 3-diameter space for each tree that you are planting.

Make sure to dig as deep as you can. Pile the topsoil and subsoil separately. You should make room for the roots to grow by roughing up the sides. Cardboard is used for easier piling and lifting of the soil after planting. You should make sure that your tree saplings and bushes are kept in a place where compost is abundant. This is a way to prepare them and keep them healthy before planting.

If you follow this article, you will know how to get the proper depth of the soil, how to do refill, and how to create mulch. After the planting is done, you will get an excellent advice about fencing your newly-planted tree. This will prevent rodents such as rabbits from damaging and unearthing newly-planted trees.

Click here to read about How to Plant Homesteading Fruit Trees That Produce:


Melissa Francis
Melissa Francis
Greetings! I'm Melissa Francis, the founder and primary contributor to The Homestead Survival. With over 20 years of experience in homesteading, sustainability, and emergency preparedness, I've dedicated my life to helping others achieve a simpler, more self-reliant lifestyle.

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