This step by step tutorial of how to refinish wood chairs is so much simpler than you could have imagined. Have you ever been handed down a family heirloom in the form of furniture that it wasn’t exactly in the best shape of its existence? Do you like to take on projects that involve doing it yourself restoration ?
Frankly, who doesn’t anymore? While buying new can seem more convenient but you just can’t find the craftsmanship of the past in today’s stores. So gather the materials you’ll need and enjoy the feeling you get when you finish the project yourself.
You start with something that doesn’t look promising yet holds so much potential. You will continue through the steps needed and finally at the end – you will have a remarkable piece of furniture to be proud of. Another job well done.
Most of us have probably done our fair share of painting, gluing, and other types of crafty work, but what about staining? This is one arena that many of us may not be sure how to go about it. Most projects involve sanding and stripping of the project piece prior to applying a new stain layer. This, however, doesn’t have to happen with the project you’ll find below. See how staining can be done with the prior steps of stripping and sanding. You’ll soon wonder why you were so fearful before about the process.