Natural RemediesHow to Relieve Pain with an Onion Poultice Home Remedy

How to Relieve Pain with an Onion Poultice Home Remedy

Our great grandparents used onion poultices to relieve pain and inflammation. It’s a natural way to relieve pain, without over-the-counter pain killers that can cause side-effects. It also has many uses. The word poultice is an old fashioned word, meaning when a soft moist mass of plant-based materials is wrapped within cloth.

Onion can naturally treat many health conditions, including inflammation, pain—usually caused by inflammation, chest congestion, and bladder infection. Poultices are commonly used on chest, throat, ears, back, and bladder region.
While onion does have a strong smell, it does smell good in food. Onion is naturally soothing, and it works by providing comfort to the body.

It’s easy to make an onion poultice with convenient items at hand in the kitchen. You start out by slicing an onion into halves or thick slices. The onion is then warmed up in a skillet, but only until it gets warm, not hot. Onion heats up fast so you must keep an eye on it, and test before making a poultice for a child.

The warmed slices are then placed warm side down onto a soft cotton cloth. Soft old fabric can be repurposed from cloth diapers, fabric remnants, and bandanas.

After placing the onion on the fabric you place the warm poultice at point of pain. The onion portion goes on the skin, while the rest of the fabric is gathered up.

There are ways of extending the usefulness of a poultice by placing a hot water bottle on top.

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How to Relieve Pain with an Onion Poultice Home Remedy
How to Relieve Pain with an Onion Poultice Home Remedy

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Melissa Francis
Melissa Francis
Greetings! I'm Melissa Francis, the founder and primary contributor to The Homestead Survival. With over 20 years of experience in homesteading, sustainability, and emergency preparedness, I've dedicated my life to helping others achieve a simpler, more self-reliant lifestyle.

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