RecipesHow to Roast a Whole Pig on Open Fire

How to Roast a Whole Pig on Open Fire

This simple method of how to roast a whole pig on open fire is a way to throw one hell of a party. Yes, you will have a delicious main dish but it becomes a focal point of entertainment as well.

Everyone tends to gather around the roasting pit, laughing and asking questions.

How to Roast a Whole Pig on Open Fire

In some cultures large scale celebrations are a big part of their daily lives. Many of these celebrations include roasting large amounts of meat that is eventually served to the whole village when it is done cooking. In Philippians they have a tradition that involves roasting an entire pig on a huge open fire. This cooking method is called Lechon Baboy.

This recipe was created and share in order to help show its reader how easy it is to duplicate the steps and make your own rotisserie system. All of the things you will need to have on the recipe can be gotten from most any story. It does not take a whole lot of experience in order to follow all of the instructions

You will probably need to give your local butcher at least one week notice before picking up your whole hog.

Benefits of reading and following the Cook a Whole Roast Pig – Lechon Baboy Recipe

● Use it for planning your next big family barbecue

● The recipe comes complete with a fully downloadable 7-step plan that is easy to follow

● The plan also includes a complete list of all the ingredients and supplies needed to get started

● You will also find several full color pictures to help give a good visual of the recipe


One pig – be sure it isn’t to big for your spit

Lemongrass Lots

Spring onions Masses

Salt and pepper. A big handful

Bay leaves

Garlic. About 23 cloves


Barbecuing a whole pig is an entirely different way to cook pork,” – “Every part of the animal should be at least 180 degrees.”

Click here to read about How to Roast a Whole Pig on Open Fire:

Here is a second look at another approach to roasting a whole hog:

Melissa Francis
Melissa Francis
Greetings! I'm Melissa Francis, the founder and primary contributor to The Homestead Survival. With over 20 years of experience in homesteading, sustainability, and emergency preparedness, I've dedicated my life to helping others achieve a simpler, more self-reliant lifestyle.

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