This simple tips of how to safely dispose of fireplace ash from a fireplace, wood stove or outdoor fire pit. You may be surprised how many mishaps take place in the process of removing burnt firewood and wood ash in homes.
Hot embers can reignite from smoldering ashes sometimes starting house fires causing injury, death and property damage.
A cord of firewood can produce 50 pounds of ashes which can create large heap of soot but is also a great source for mineral rich dust that has practical uses.
Enrich compost
Save for calcium loving plants such as tomatoes, beans, spinach, peas, avocados, garlic, rose bushes
Make soap with it – potassium hydroxide
Sprinkle on top of garden soil to kill cutworms, snails and slugs.
Charcoal can be used as a water filter ingredient
Click here to read How to Safely Dispose of Fireplace Ash: