Food Storage & SkillsHow to Seal Food in Mylar Bags

How to Seal Food in Mylar Bags

How to Seal Food in Mylar Bags

Are you looking for a reliable and long-lasting packaging method for the storage of food items which is not only easy to carry out but also keep your food stock fresh for years to come? We have a perfect solution for this dilemma in the form of Mylar bags and oxygen absorbers.

A Mylar bag is an excellent vapor barrier that blocks light, moisture and oxygen which are considered the three biggest enemies of food storage. Though many people just store their food in simple plastic containers and oxygen, this method is not without flaws as the plastic is a very poor vapor barrier and overtime moisture eventually seeps in the bucket and spoil the stored food.

On the other hand Mylar bag technique prevents any such problem to occur. This method is the simplest DIY (Do It Yourself) for food storage that you can easily do at your homes. As compared to other storage methods, this specific method is not only cost efficient but is also less time requiring.
Increase the shelf life of your food items for up to 25 years (Yes you heard it right!) by using the Mylar bag technique and save your food for any sort emergency situations where you might not have easy access to purchase fresh supply of food from the market.

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How to Seal Food in Mylar Food Storage Bags

The best thing about this method is that the results are just like the way professionals do it. You can also easily stock up your supplies in bulk amount and stash it anywhere you want whether it is in the basement or even under your bed.

Read the step-by-step instructions described below and start storing your food.

Click here to read about How to Seal Food in Mylar Food Storage Bags:


Melissa Francis
Melissa Francis
Greetings! I'm Melissa Francis, the founder and primary contributor to The Homestead Survival. With over 20 years of experience in homesteading, sustainability, and emergency preparedness, I've dedicated my life to helping others achieve a simpler, more self-reliant lifestyle.

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