RecipesIce Tea Homemade Collection Delicious Recipes

Ice Tea Homemade Collection Delicious Recipes

These Ice Tea Homemade Collection Delicious Recipes is a refreshing creative twist on a tall glass of iced tea brewed in your homestead kitchen to be shared with your family and friends. Nothing cools you down quickly as a cold glass of delicious iced tea…. it just cools your body torso.

Ice Tea Homemade Collection Delicious Recipes - The Homestead Survival

Simple tips for delicious iced tea for sipping:

1. Calculate one tea bag per one cup water ( 5 cups of iced tea, use 5 tea bags).

2. Let the tea brew in hot, just-boiled water until fully steeped, then let cool.

3. Don’t add sugar into a cold iced tea. Always add sugar while your tea is hot so it will dissolve quickly.

4. Let it grow cold by chilling before serving.

5. Don’t leave your tea bags to soak too long. This is the biggest mistake people make that leads to bitter tea. 20 minutes is plenty of time to infuse, then toss your tea bags into your compost pile.
6. Don’t forget to garnish your ice tea drink with Lemon, Lime, Orange or even Grapefruit slices. A sprig of mint is quite tasty as well.

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Ice Tea Homemade Collection Delicious Recipes - The Homestead Survival

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Ice Tea Homemade Collection Delicious Recipes - The Homestead Survival

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Ice Tea Homemade Collection Delicious Recipes - The Homestead Survival

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Ice Tea Homemade Collection Delicious Recipes - The Homestead Survival

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Ice Tea Homemade Collection Delicious Recipes - The Homestead Survival

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Ice Tea Homemade Collection Delicious Recipes - The Homestead Survival

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Ice Tea Homemade Collection Delicious Recipes - The Homestead Survival

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christina b
christina b
Hi, I'm Christina B, your go-to source for all things related to sustainable living and homesteading. Unlike your typical environmentalist, I bring a unique blend of scientific rigor and artistic creativity to the table. My mission is to challenge conventional wisdom and offer fresh, innovative perspectives on how to live a greener, more self-sufficient life.

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