A few neat ways to maximize and use all the space in a child’s small bedroom. Sometimes we may not have a choice in moving at a given time. If we have a child or multiple children and a small room they use as a bedroom it can be hard to provide them with enough space. In these ideas from Casa Diez you can see a few ways to maximize the space available. Unfortunately there are no plans so you need to be able to see the idea and then have the ability to just jump in and do it yourself. Some of these look a bit hard to do without plans but a few I think could be done. I totally love the trundle bed that rolls out from under the platform desk area, that is totally awesome and I know any and all of my grand kids would love it. The tripe bunk beds would be really space saving if three children had to share a small room. So if you are handy or if you have a handy man or woman in your life and you have a child or children in a small bedroom check out all of the ideas and see if you can make one work for you.

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