There has been an ever increasing popularity of people raising chickens in their backyards. While the majority of them are treating them as traditional livestock that produce fresh eggs for the family, there are however a number of people that actually allow them to enter the house and treat them more like pets. This article focuses heavily on the the latter and for good reason.

I know some people like to hold their chickens and I have seen children kiss chickens and this is not a good idea. It can cause illness. This article is from Newser, but the warnings come directly from the CDC and it comes from extensive research into the behavior of many people who have shown a tendency to treat chickens as domestic pets.
Benefits of reading the Importance of Avoiding Unnecessary Contact with Backyard Chickens
Learn about the specific dangers of continuous close contact with chickens.
Much of the information comes directly from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC).
It is presented in such a way that makes it extremely easy to read and understand.
It also includes a couple of full color pictures that help give additional information.