At this very moment do you know where all your important papers are :birth certificate, social security cards, home deed or mortgage, medical records, car titles, loan paperwork, list of utilities you pay monthly, credit card contact information ?
Now ask yourself, could you find all of them within 5 minutes if you had to rush out of your home never to return ?
Why would you never to return ( I know people will be asking themselves ) – Let’s pick a plausible excuse…. a house fire, chemical spill, sink hole, flood, wildfire.
I know this is a uncomfortable thought but what if it is you who pass away unexpectedly …. would your family know where to find all these important documents ?
Personally, I plan to do this project myself as an act of love for my family. It just got added to the top of my ” To Do List “.
Being organized is a blessing in times of crisis and gives peace of mind during everyday living.
You may want to make an identical ( copy ) of you family’s emergency binder and leave it at a trusted family member or life long friend ‘s home and/or a safe deposit box at a bank.
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