Raising LivestockIndoor Outdoor Rabbit Hutch Homesteading Concept

Indoor Outdoor Rabbit Hutch Homesteading Concept

Indoor Outdoor Rabbit Hutch Homesteading Concept creates a safe place that rabbits with a 2 compartment cage with a passage way cut between will allow the rabbit to enjoy fresh air, sunshine or retreat to warm corner to sleep.

Indoor Outdoor Rabbit Hutch Homesteading Concept

Rabbits are economical to raise, provide us with a steady supply of meat for the table and manure for a homesteading garden. Rabbit manure is pure gold because it can go straight into your garden within hours of being expelled without burning garden plants.

If you have made up your mind to get rabbits, be fully aware of the fact that you own all responsibilities of providing housing for them. As a homesteader, you will need to meet the physical needs of your rabbits so they stay healthy. A rabbit hutch is considered a necessity as it will spend most its time there eating, sleeping, playing, pooping and birthing other rabbits… etc. This little space will become it’s enivorment. Your duty is to make the hutch a safe and liveable for your rabbits.

This is why you should choose the best kind of hutches for your homesteading animal. Outdoor and indoor hutches are designed in varieties for rabbits to be more active and relaxed. It starts from a simple wire cage style to a deluxe multiple storey’s designs. Some of these hutches can come with an additional food bowl, water bottle, and even a box for hay.

What you must consider before making any hutch is the location. Inside and outside hutch can easily be achived by using a wall in a shed, outdoor enclousure or even by removing a window garage then using that passage way to put two cages (one inside and one outside) on either side.

Click here to read about an Indoor Outdoor Rabbit Hutch Homesteading Concept :


Melissa Francis
Melissa Francis
Greetings! I'm Melissa Francis, the founder and primary contributor to The Homestead Survival. With over 20 years of experience in homesteading, sustainability, and emergency preparedness, I've dedicated my life to helping others achieve a simpler, more self-reliant lifestyle.

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