SewingInsulating Roll Up Heat Saving Curtains Project

Insulating Roll Up Heat Saving Curtains Project

How to make Insulating Roll Up Heat Saving Curtains Project is detailed in this step by step tutorial. Trapping heat indoors when it is cool (freezing) outside can make a huge difference in the amount of hard earned cash you have to pay to the ulitily company.

Insulating Roll Up Heat Saving Curtains Project

Statistically, 25% to 50% of energy consumed in the winter seeps out of people’s homes through the windows. The more heat that leaks out,the more energy being spent, which means more money being wasted.

In an eco-friendly world, we have now developed ways to contain heat in the home, such as insulating curtains. One kind of curtain is the Kume curtain, which is very easyto do at home if not bought, since it is a bit pricey.Regardless, the Kume curtain makes the home warmer and promotes the environment.

This includes keeping heat inside up to 70%, cutting down on energy usage by 25%, and, for the homemakers, it costs only $1 a sq. ft. Sometimes, no stitches are needed and it does not take that long to make, if you know the size of the curtain. The curtain is multi-layered. The first layer is the main façade to the insulation section of the curtain, the second layer serves as the shield from humidity getting to the window and concentrating on the frozen windows, the third layer keeps the fabric expanded and forms air pockets to block escaping heat, and the last layer closes the edges of the whole window.

For those who live in cold climates and worry about the energy bill when heating the house, this is a creative curtain and energy saving product.

Click here to read about how to make Insulating Roll Up Heat Saving Curtains Project:

Melissa Francis
Melissa Francis
Greetings! I'm Melissa Francis, the founder and primary contributor to The Homestead Survival. With over 20 years of experience in homesteading, sustainability, and emergency preparedness, I've dedicated my life to helping others achieve a simpler, more self-reliant lifestyle.

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