Get the newest edition of From Scratch magazine that has an article with everything about beekeeping in it. From Scratch is a free online magazine that covers a wide range of topics including gardening, chickens and other homesteading topics. You can read the magazine right there on the web site or you can sign up for an email subscription and get your copy of each new edition as it comes out.
There are some really good articles in it and you can see precious editions right there on the site by scrolling down to see all the older covers. “This is the special beekeeping issue. Everything from how to start beekeeping to saving the bees. We also included a beautiful Kitchen Renovation from Farmhouse38, the healing qualities of rose and help for those thinking about homeschooling.” and you can get it free. The beekeeping article is very in-depth and covers everything from setting up a hive to harvesting the honey. For anyone thinking about starting beekeeping this is a great article with a lot of info.