Whether you are living off grid and need to find a way to provide power to your place or if you would just like to cut down on what you spend for power this article can help. You will see a nice round-up of 14 different generators to provide power off the grid. Your wind turbine generator will have different parts starting with the blades that look like an airplane propeller, these will be on a mounting that keeps the blades facing into the wind. The mounting with the blades will be on a tower to get the assembly up high so it can catch the wind. Then you need a drive train and a generator. The generator is just a motor, in this case the motor is spun in reverse.
If the motor is run on electricity it spins one way but when it is spun in reverse the wind spinning it is what create the electricity. Pioneer Settler has created this round -up and there are different styles of wind generating turbines to choose from. From large high ones to a ” vertical axis wind turbine is great for saving space and money!” So if you want to add a wind turbine to your place this article will provide loads of information to get you started and if you do it and install it yourself you can not only save money on electricity but quite a bit on the wind turbine as well.
Read more>>>>>>>>> Learn How To Make And Install Your Own Wind Turbine