Really nice article on why if you have food stored for survival or even for emergencies you should store what you eat and eat what you store. AND DO THAT NOW! C.R. tells us that he had plenty stored but had no clue what to do with it. I think a lot of us are like that right now.
We learn what to store and how to store from different web sites and blogs and then we go ahead and buy wheat berries,oats,beans and rice and other foods then we seal it up in mylar bags with oxygen absorbers and then into five gallon buckets and store it away.
While plain white rice will probably be fine forever like this beans will get drier as time passes and the drier they get the more water and time it will take to get them to cook. Wheat berries can be cooked and eaten whole but if you want bread,or dough of any kind you will need to grind them.
So now when you have gas and electric is when you should be using these foods. so you can rotate old out and new in and so you can learn how to get from a bucket of wheat berries to an actual loaf of bread. If the time comes and you HAVE to survive on your food storage you probably won’t have internet access anymore so you should have recipes on paper and the best it to have learned how to do it when it was fairly simple to bake the bread in the kitchen oven. Instead of having to go from wheat berries to solar baking all at the same time. Good article from Survival Blog.
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