In this article you will see how one man lived in his tent inside a greenhouse while he saved money to buy a house. He actually set up his tent inside a greenhouse that he would cover in winter with a covering of used billboards to both block the wind and keep out the rain. He had a wood burning stove and electric light. He says in winter with the rainblock on it was very dark so he installed a window. He lived in this in the winter in up to 70 mile per hour winds in northern Minnesota and says that on a clear day of 10 degrees he had 45 degrees in the tent. .He built the frame for the greenhouse out of chain link fence rail tops that he bent using a jig. It is built on a wooden platform that is kept off the ground y concert discs he made by mixing and shaping quick-crete in 1 gallon buckets. This makes the whole structure portable. He set it up on family property while saving for his own land and then he can move it to his land and live in while building a house. This is a really neat way to live for pretty much free as far as housing costs. I am not sure that i would want to live in it but if you have to live in a tent at least this would be warmer and drier. Very neat concept.