Living off the grid and choosing to be prepared is often a common goal of self sufficient homesteaders.

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Making the decision to become a survivalist is no easy task. It can be scary leaving you worried about taking the first step. You are, after all, leaving all of the society’s comforts to become truly free.
Living off the grid is something most people dream about, who doesn’t long to be free of the stress of society and all the worries it comes with. However, not everyone one has the courage to live off the grid. A lot of people consider off the grid living as something only primitive people will consider. The truth is learning about off the grid living has a lot of benefits.
Some of the benefits include:
• No longer worrying about how you will put food on the table. It is because you will learn how to eat what you grow
• Gaining a degree of financial independence as you will learn how to be self-sufficient, producing all the energy and food required to survive
• Learning to live off the grid will give you a sense of security that most people don’t have. It also prepares you for when a disaster or energy crisis will occur. This is because it makes your chances much higher than those of the rest of the world.
Going off the grid offers complete energy independence from utility bills but it takes some effort and specialized equipment if you want your workload to be easier. It is possible to produce enough energy with your own renewable energy system to live a fairly normal lifestyle ….. windmill, solar panels and heat from a compost pile.
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