Make a greenhouse top for your raised bed from PVC. By building this pvc greenhouse topper for your raised garden beds you can extend your growing season both to start earlier in the spring and end later in the fall right into winter with some plants. Not only will this protect your garden bed from the cold but if you get a lot of rain this could be put on the beds to prevent your plants getting water logged. That happens here a lot in the spring. We will get days and days of rain and the garden beds just can’t get dried out, so the seedlings really struggle.
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Grow Your heirlooms shares in this video how he made this greenhouse top using pvc and then he just uses duct tape to put the plastic on. A raised bed already gives you an earlier start in the garden because it is raised and get warmer a little earlier but with this you could start even earlier since you would be protected from those spring changes in the temperatures. This would be really great for peas since they could get a super early start. Maybe I could actually pick more than once before the heat gets them.
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