This step by step tutorial of how to make a stress relieving swirling nebula bottle is a way for adults as well as children to release anxiety. You use this craft project as a tool to start practicing how to learn healthy coping strategies. At the very least it is an entertaining toy that can be rotated in a circular motion to put sparkling liquid into motion.
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There is something so peaceful when you gaze up at the sky and see billions of stars twinkling back at you, glittering in their brilliance. Science tells us that these stars are actually planets light years away while our folklore gives us the stories of our stars being the souls of those who’ve passed, lighting the way for the rest of us. Either way, stars are just beautiful and can make us wish we could have our very own field of stars within our reach. Owning our own set of stars can seem impossible when you don’t have a lot of money to donate to one of the websites that offers to name one for you. However, that shouldn’t stop you from making your own stars.
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When we’re looking for something new, we should look into this project below. Not only is it super easy, but it’s lots of fun for you and/or the kids. You can also bring some science into the project because the outcome looks just like a night sky full of stars. How cool is that? Who wouldn’t love this in their room?
It’s really easy to do if you have the right materials. Imagine your own world of stars contained in a beautiful, clear glass jar. All you need is some cotton balls, water, glitter, and food coloring. The coloring can be just one color or multiples if you want to create a realistically cool look. As you make one for yourself, you’ll soon discover what a great gift this is for everyone you know who loves science or just loves the stars. You can build them in mason jars, apothecary jars, and even glass bottles for differing effects. Bring the stars into your home for your gazing pleasure especially for those nights the clouds are covering them.
Click here to read about how to make a stress relieving swirling nebula bottle: