CraftsMake an Intriguing Cardboard Box Cat Toy

Make an Intriguing Cardboard Box Cat Toy

This step by step tutorial of how to make an intriguing cardboard box cat toy that will challenge your feline friend. Everyone who owns a cat knows that when you bring a cat into the home, it immediately becomes that cat’s domain. Sure, you might live there and pay the rent, but that cat runs things. It will have you begging for attention, buying the best foods, and bringing home the newest toys, all without really trying.

Make an Intriguing Cardboard Box Cat Toy

Unfortunately, taking care of a cat can get a bit expensive. And it only gets worse if you have more than one cat. Thankfully, this tutorial offers you a money saving solution. You can build this toy for your cat without spending any extra money. And the best part is that your cat will adore it! Unlike most store bought toys that will sit abandoned after one or two plays, this cardboard toy will be used every single day. This will keep your kitty entertained for hours. And, everyone who owns a cat will tell you, a happy cat equals a happy home!

If you’re still unsure about making this, check out the video at the bottom of the tutorial to watch the author’s cats play. That will convince you!

For this tutorial, you’ll need the following materials:

– Scalpel
– Box or Cardboard
– Small Balls
– Pencil
– Round Object
– Tape

By placing the balls inside the cardboard with circles cut out, you’ll create an almost cat and mouse like apparatus. Your cats will reach their little paws into the holes and try to catch the balls, only to have them move away. They’ll have a blast!

Click here to read about Make an Intriguing Cardboard Box Cat Toy :

Melissa Francis
Melissa Francis
Greetings! I'm Melissa Francis, the founder and primary contributor to The Homestead Survival. With over 20 years of experience in homesteading, sustainability, and emergency preparedness, I've dedicated my life to helping others achieve a simpler, more self-reliant lifestyle.

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