RecipesMake Delicious Delightful Cream Cheese Recipe

Make Delicious Delightful Cream Cheese Recipe

How to make delicious delightful cream cheese recipe is another homesteading kitchen skill that comes in quite handy and helps stretch the family grocery budget.

Make Delicious Delightful Cream Cheese Recipe

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Bagel & smear is one of those breakfast foods that sound appealing, as it tastes. Smear, of course, is the nickname for cream cheese, that wonderfully thick spreading we put on bagels (or any bread) that syncs up our taste buds.

Whatever it costs at the supermarket, we’ll buy it, but what if were possible to make that same taste at home…. or even better? It is possible because only four ingredients are needed and the cooking techniques required are minimal.

The only ingredients in this easy DIY recipe are:

4 cups of heavy cream

½ cup of whole milk

¼ cup of white vinegar

2 teaspoons of salt

It takes some time to get it right, about a day and a half, so work accordingly. To start, get a clean, heavy-bottomed saucepan, and heat the cream, milk, and salt on medium heat. Stir gently continuously until it reaches 180-degrees on the thermometer, just as bubbling starts. Remove it and cool it for 5 minutes.

Next, add the vinegar and stir gently, again. Taste it; if it isn’t as tangy as preferred, add a bit more vinegar or salt. Then, cover the pot with a towel, not a lid, and let it rest at room temperature for at least 8 hours. During that time, a thick curd layer forms on top and a thin, watery liquid forms underneath. Get a cloth, hold it over a bowl, and pour the mixture on top of it while holding onto the cloth’s edges. Raise the cloth to let excess liquid drop into the bowl. Tie up the cloth and let it drain for several hours until the dripping ends and it feels firm.

That, within the cloth, is the cream cheese just made freshly at home. Put it in the fridge to keep it in handy for the future.

Make Delicious Delightful Cream Cheese Recipe
1 Lb. Cream Cheese powder for food storage pantry (Buy Here – Amazon)

Melissa Francis
Melissa Francis
Greetings! I'm Melissa Francis, the founder and primary contributor to The Homestead Survival. With over 20 years of experience in homesteading, sustainability, and emergency preparedness, I've dedicated my life to helping others achieve a simpler, more self-reliant lifestyle.

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