Learn how to make your own e-bike and save a lot over buying one. Bicycles have been a lighter way of transport for many years. From kids to adults, bicycles are a very common site in both rural and urban areas. Moreover, bicycles don’t run on petrol or gas so they are quite economical as well. On the other hand, they are also a great way to keep oneself healthy and fit.
Many people only do cycling for exercise purposes. Bicycles are quite convenient when it comes to the busy city life. The city roads are always full of traffic and a fair amount of pedestrians are also present. In such situation, bicycles make it easier to make your way around the city quickly and safely. What could be better than to have a quick way of transport and to add some exercise to your daily routine at the same time? However, the trend of e-bikes has started to grow in recent years.
These bikes are faster and cool as well. In this post from Michael Monaghan over on Instructables, a step wise guide has been provided to develop your own electric bicycle. There are 11 steps in total and each step is coupled with relevant pictures so it is easy to follow the instructions.