Make your own fridge batch Giardiniera and save money. It is also good to make your own because then you can pick the veggies and the amounts of each you want in the jar. You can also control the spiciness of it by adding or subtracting chilis and pepper flakes. Food is not only vital for surviving but it is also something to make you happy in life. A nice, delicious and healthy dish can easily lift up your mood.

Everyone can relate to food, some like to cook and make others happy, others only like to eat but don’t cook and some like to prepare good food from scratch. Food enthusiasts often have fresh crops and fruits growing in their backyard. There is a feeling of contentment associated with growing your own ingredients and trying to blend them together to prepare a good dish. These days, people are quite used to eating out and spending money at five star hotels to enjoy luxury food and being waited on, while other are perfectly happy preparing a meal in their own kitchen.
The Good Deal Meals blog is all about how one can enjoy delicious and luxurious food while staying at home and not spending excessive money at expensive cafés, restaurants and hotels. They like cooking and baking from scratch. She spends her time preparing delicious meals at home at a low cost. In this particular blog post, she shares the recipe of Italian Giardiniera Mix. It is a delicious mix you can blend with salads or perhaps serve on a relish tray. My favorite way to eat Giardinier is on a homemade Italian beef sandwich. Yummy