CraftsMake Frugal Beeswax Candles Homemade Craft Project

Make Frugal Beeswax Candles Homemade Craft Project

How to Make Frugal Beeswax Candles Homemade Craft Project is another homesteading skill that that you investing in yourself to learn is of great benefit. Each skill that you learn, gets you closer to self sufficiency homesteading. Beeswax seems amazing !

Make Frugal Beeswax Candles Homemade Craft Project

Candle making is a crafting activity that people have been doing for centuries. In the beginning the candles were used a primary source of household lighting along with oil. When the electric light was invented, candles were simply relegated to supplying emergency lighting when the power went out.

This article was designed to introduce the reader to a simple way to make handmade candles using beeswax.

Ingredients and Tools:

1 lb filtered beeswax pellets

1/2 cup coconut oil – This Spring Of Life Coconut Oil is currently my favorite.

3 half-pint canning mason jars

60 ply cotton braided wick (or a wick that is made for 2-3 inch diameter candles)

a metal pitcher (or empty can)

pot large enough to fit your pitcher to use as a double boiler

bamboo skewers

The author created this article in hopes to educate the reader about how really easy it is to make your own candles in the kitchen.

The craft project that is included describes all of the necessary ingredients (all ingredients are all-natural).

It also includes an easy to follow step by step preparation guide that covers everything from start to finish.

Click here to read about how to Make Frugal Beeswax Candles Homemade Craft Project:

Melissa Francis
Melissa Francis
Greetings! I'm Melissa Francis, the founder and primary contributor to The Homestead Survival. With over 20 years of experience in homesteading, sustainability, and emergency preparedness, I've dedicated my life to helping others achieve a simpler, more self-reliant lifestyle.

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