How to Make Healing Herbal Burn Salve Recipe is definite must have in your homesteading First Aid supplies. A simple burn, bee sting, sunburns, apply over new tattoos, skin scrapes, Eczema, bumps and bruises.
Warm a small amount of Healing Herbal Burn Salve in your palm and gently massage into skin.
The healing salve is made with 5 ingredients that you may around have around your home and garden.
This is, of course, worthy for only such simple burns – not second-degree burns – but it is important in the sense of recovering from this. The best salves are are made with the best ingredients and totally natural.
Here is a basic homemade natural salve that can be applied.
Get the following ingredients for this homemade salve:
1 cup of extra virgin olive oil
2 tablespoons of dried Comfrey leaves (Buy Here from Amazon to support our website)
2 tablespoons dried Calendula flowers (Buy Here from Amazon to support our website)
1 ounce of beeswax (Buy Here from Amazon to support our website)
36 drops of lavender essential oil (Buy Here from Amazon to support our website)
Comfrey has anti-inflammation properties that quickens healing and creates new cells on the area. Calendula flowers have anti-bacteria, anti-fungi, and also anti-inflammation properties to help soothe burns. Finally, Lavender essential oil speeds up the healing and prevent any scars left behind.
In a double boiler pan, pour olive oil in top pan. (Buy Here from Amazon to support our website)
Add dried comfrey leaves and calendula flowers and simmer on low heat for 30 minutes. Slowly stir every 5 minutes.
Strain the comfrey leaves and calendula flowers from the olive oil into a glass bowl.
Melt beeswax over low heat.
Pour melted beeswax into the glass bowl holding the herbal infused oil
Sprinkle the lavender essential oil into the mixture in the glass bowl.
Genly stir with a metal spoon the herbal infused oil.
Pour infused mixture into cobalt blue jars or decorative metal hinged tins. (Cobalt Blue Jars – Buy Here from Amazon to support our website) (Decorative Metal Hinged Tins – Buy Here from Amazon to support our website)
Allow for mixture to become solid before placing lids on