Make this homemade natural dog food recipe from fresh meats and veggies that is sliced, diced and minced to appeal to your pet’s taste buds. It has no preservatives so it will have to be refrigerated, if you make a large batch for multiple meals. Basic nutritional requirements and vitamins can boost your dogs immune system to help protect them from certain diseases.
Vegetables that can be used are: Carrots, Green beans, Broccoli, Cauliflower, Spinach, Peas, Celery, Cucumbers, Pumpkin, potatoes, yams, sweet potatoes
Proteins: Beef, Turkey, Chicken, Lamb, Mackerel or Herring, but no more than once or twice a week and eggs in moderation.
Carbohydrates: rice (especially brown rice), pasta and oatmeal
Many dogs have difficulty digesting corn and the nutritional value is low.
Many pet owners truly believe that the pet food industry is broken, even though recently there has been huge positive changes in the last 10 years. Some pet owners cook homemade dog food because of health related issue their dogs face in an effort to prolong the pet’s life span.
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