By making this homemade still you can clean water to make it drinkable or make your own beverages that need a still. Water is one of the most important of all survival necessities that everyone has to have. While finding a source of water may not always to be a problem, but ensuring that the water is drinkable, is not a easy. This article was designed to introduce the reader to a way that they can easily build a system of unknown water supply and make it drinkable.
This Do It Yourself project is from DIY Projects. All of the things that are needed to complete the project can easily be gotten from most local supply or hardware stores. The information is presented in a way that makes easy for most anyone regardless of DIY skills to be able to follow it.
Benefits of reading the DIY Project: How to Make a Homemade Still
Learn how easy it is to use the information to make a still for turning salt water into drinkable water.
The project includes a complete listing of all of the necessary materials, supplies and tools needed.
It also includes a complete, easy to follow step by step instruction guide on how to make it.
There are numerous full color pictures that are designed to provide a good visual reference of the project.