CraftsMake Playful Garden Clay Pots Horses Craft Project

Make Playful Garden Clay Pots Horses Craft Project

How to make playful garden clay pots horses craft project is detailed in this step by step tutorial.

This bit of self sufficiency creativity is proof that Facebook is worth a great deal to those who are creative homesteaders. The idea for these easy to make and totally unique objet d’art was shared and expanded on between Facebook friends.

Make Playful Horses From Clay Pots Craft Project

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The idea is simple and really ancient. You use clay pots to fashion horses. There are a huge number of more elaborate decorations like this in museums all over the world. This version is simple and inexpensive so anyone can do it.

The heart of the construction is picking the right size pot for each part of the horse. The body is two large pots. The head is a medium sized pot. The legs are made of four small pots. The neck is a bit tricky and needs two medium sized pots.

The entire structure would crumble to pot shards without the perfect glue. The author and friends have experimented and found the perfect glue that holds everyday clay pots together in all types of weather. You get a durable garden or yard ornament.

Materials Needed:

(16) 4″ pots for the legs

(2) 10″ pots for the body

(2) 8″ azalea pots for the neck

(1) 8″ reg pot for the face

3 Tubes of JB Weld   (Buy Here from Amazon.Com)

One of the neater tricks to this little project is that you can make horses of different sizes and colors. The choice of paint and the decoration can match real horse coloration or can create a whimsical fantasy horse.

The all important art of gluing the pieces together in the right order is explained below. You also get tips about how long the pieces need to dry before you begin the next phase of assembly.

The clay pot horses are functional as well as decorative. The legs and head provide a place for planting whatever you like. The designer suggests a plant for the head that looks like a horse’s mane. The project can become an income source and the photos show that the clay pot horse garden decorations travel well once they are assembled.

Click here to read about how to make playful horses from clay pots craft project:

Melissa Francis
Melissa Francis
Greetings! I'm Melissa Francis, the founder and primary contributor to The Homestead Survival. With over 20 years of experience in homesteading, sustainability, and emergency preparedness, I've dedicated my life to helping others achieve a simpler, more self-reliant lifestyle.

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