SewingMake Warming Thermal Blackout Curtains Project

Make Warming Thermal Blackout Curtains Project

This tutorial of how to make warming thermal blackout curtains project will warm your house and also take a step to reduce the heat loss therefore reducing your electric utility bill.

Make Warming Thermal Blackout Curtains Project

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Making use of thermal curtains can make your apartment retain heat about 7 times more. This implies that thermal curtains make your apartment 7 times warmer. This is why most of the ones being sold are very expensive. People living in a frigid apartment will appreciate the thermal curtains more. These curtains actually reduce heat loss through the window.

When the weather becomes cold, heat in the room is lost through the process called convection. As the warm air is being pulled out of your apartment, it is replaced with cold air and gradually your apartment will continue to get colder until your room temperature becomes the same with the environmental temperature.

Cost is another reason to make the thermal curtains at home. The maximum cost of a thermal curtain can be up to $70 while the maximum cost of an installed custom made thermal curtain is $200. That is if it is single- paned. If it is double- paned, it can cost as much as $500 to hang curtains throughout your house. Isn’t the price difference enough motivation to sew the thermal curtains yourself?

Making thermal curtains are actually easier than you think. All it takes is for you to learn the skill with the necessary passion. Besides, the more you make it the more you master it.

Click here to read about how to make warming thermal blackout curtains project:

Melissa Francis
Melissa Francis
Greetings! I'm Melissa Francis, the founder and primary contributor to The Homestead Survival. With over 20 years of experience in homesteading, sustainability, and emergency preparedness, I've dedicated my life to helping others achieve a simpler, more self-reliant lifestyle.

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