Make your own dried cranberries. They are on sale right now and should be till the end of the year so this is a good time to snag them at low prices and preserve them for later. You can make cranberry sauce and can it or just can the cranberries. They can also be frozen and used in all sorts of ways later. I like cranberry orange quick bread in the dead of winter. Another way is to dry them. You can make your own dried cranberries and eat them in a multitude of ways from just by themselves to add to cold or hot cereal, use them to bake with. Or make your own trail mixes with them. This article will show you how to dry them, but rather than just throw them in the dehydrator The Honor System shows us how to make a sauce out of them and some water and they uses coconut sugar but you can use honey, sucanat, maple syrup, or whichever sweetener you like and then once the sauce is cooked it is dehydrated, which can be done in a dehydrator in the oven. Once completely dried and cool you simply tear into small pieces and then use it however you want.

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