Curing MeatsMaking Homemade Bacon from Curing to Cold Smoking

Making Homemade Bacon from Curing to Cold Smoking

Come take a look into the making of bacon from curing to cold smoking to create a delicious meat that can be smoked low and slow. Who doesn’t love bacon? There is just something about bacon that makes you want to wake up to that wondrous smell and devour as much of it as you can, especially when it’s made just right.

When it comes to the right bacon flavor that you love, you may or may not find it in the local supermarkets. In fact, some of you may find that the best flavor comes from curing and smoking your own bacon that you make within your own smoker. This gives you the freedom to create just the right flavor of saltiness and smokiness that soothes your soul and achieves the ultimate thrill for your taste buds.

Making Homemade Bacon from Curing to Cold Smoking

If you have not tried to make your own bacon before or you are always looking for a new method, you should find the information and instructions below very helpful. They walk you through everything you need in order to cure your pork bellies and smoke them for the right amount of time and preference that will you leave you begging for more.

The breakdown starts with the ingredients you will need for the dry rub you’ll make for the curing process of your pork bellies, which takes about a week’s worth of curing before you’re ready to place your pork in your smoker for some cold smoking.

In a word, deliciousness. You will love the bacon you create from the thorough information and instructions, providing you with plenty of bacon you can store in your fridge and freezer for several meals in the future.

You will not believe how much better the flavor and texture of homemade bacon are compared to its store bought mass produced bacon. I dare you to do a side by side taste test.

Click here to read about the making of bacon from curing to cold smoking:

Melissa Francis
Melissa Francis
Greetings! I'm Melissa Francis, the founder and primary contributor to The Homestead Survival. With over 20 years of experience in homesteading, sustainability, and emergency preparedness, I've dedicated my life to helping others achieve a simpler, more self-reliant lifestyle.

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