If you would like to make your own organic cream cheese check out the tutorial from Copy cat.
Who would have know it was this easy to make it your self and know exactly whats in it. If you keep the ingredients on hand you will always be able to make some when you need it for a recipe or even just to slather on your morning bagel.
I like the suggestion af adding herbs or jam to make the flavored cream cheeses that cost so much in the store. I love the veggie one and could probably make this with powdered veggie soup mix. mmm
Making Homemade Cream Cheese
Mesophilic C101 – 5 Packets
Butter Muslin
Home Cheese Making: Recipes for 75 Homemade Cheeses
Vogue Cuisine Vegetable Soup & Seasoning Base 4oz (Vegebase, Vege Base) – Low Sodium, Gluten Free, All Natural Ingredients