BeveragesMandarin Triple Sec

Mandarin Triple Sec

    If you like the taste of mandarin oranges you might like this triple sec made with them. The peel and juice are of the mandarin are both used along with vodka and sugar water and then you let it sit for a month and then strain it and you have a quart of mandarin flavored triple sec. My Pantry Shelf shares this recipe and named it satsuma triple sec because she used satsuma mandarin oranges that  grow on her tree. Since satsumas are not widely grown in the US you can use just about any mandarin orange.

Mandarin Triple Sec

  Cook’s Thesaurus says ”  mandarin orange  Notes:   These have a pleasant enough flavor, but their big asset is that they come out of their peels and segment easily, so you can eat them in your good clothes.  Varieties include the popular tangerine, the seedy but juicy honey tangerine = Murcott, the satsuma orange, the sweet and tiny clementine orange, and the seedy and orange-flavored temple orangeSubstitutes:  orange”

    So to make your triple sec you can use any of these, just try not to get the pith when you are collecting your peel because the pith from citrus is bitter and will make your recipe bitter. My Pantry suggests using a peeler to collect the peel with rather than taking the easy way and simply peeling these easy to peel fruits.


Click here for instructions>>>


Paige Raymond
Paige Raymond
Raised in rural Montana and educated in Mechanical Engineering and Sustainable Development, Paige Raymond combines a practical mindset with a passion for self-reliance and sustainability. With expertise ranging from mechanical solutions and food preservation to emergency preparedness and renewable energy, Paige is a proud author with more than 5000 published articles.

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