Modify your radio and you can more than double the range for a dime. While this might not be a good idea if you are trying to keep a low profile, since that would mean more people could hear you. it could also help you pick up more people around you so you could avoid them or in case you needed to contact them you could. You can accomplish this by ditching the rubber stubby antenna that came on the radio and adding a long wire. (also know as the tiger tail antenna).
This modifications will take five minutes and cost you a dime and will increase your signal strength by up to 4 times. Code Green Prep gives you all the instructions and explains the best way to make the modification, why it works and how well it works so you can do it your self. So if you have a hand held walkie talkies and would like to improve your signal strength these instructions will help you to quadruple your range and it will only cost a dime. Which would be a whole lot cheaper than buying a more expensive radio. There are extra tips about length of wires for different bands, There is a lot of info in the article and links out to even more information.
Read more>>>>>>>Â Â Modify Your Radio To More Than Double Its Range