Do you know what you should do in the garden this month? Next month? December? In this article you will learn month by month gardening so you will know what you should be doing each month of the year. From ordering and starting seeds to pruning and mulching Off The Grid News takes you through each month of the year and shares what you can and should be doing in your garden.
For instance, this is July and here is what is suggested for the month of July.
“The month of July means you need to prepare for frequent cultivation. You should set out all of your late vegetables around this month, including leeks, celery, broccoli, and cauliflower. You should also begin harvesting the already planted beans, beets, lettuce, radish, and cabbage that you’ve already set. Irrigate when it is needed. Fruits such as blackberry, dewberry, and raspberry can also be planted.”
Did you know all of that? I think a lot of folks think by this time you are all done but the harvesting. Not true and as you can see even if you missed all of the spring planting you can till grow some of your own produce if you plant the month of July planting crops. Very useful information in this for gardeners, new and experienced.