This Mosquito Essential Oil Keep Off Spray Recipe formulate a mixture that once applied will create a dome of protection from blood-sucking insects that bite. Itchy and painful these bites are so preventing them is the best way course of action.

While most people enjoy spending the evening outside on the back deck or patio in the summertime. Unfortunately, so do so many types of flying insect, mostly mosquitos and flies. Nothing will ruin a nice relaxing evening after a long, hard day at work then a mess of mosquitos. This article a homemade recipe was designed to introduce the reader to a simple way to keep away mosquitos and other bugs.
We are looking to help as many people as possible be able to enjoy their backyard experiences without blood sucking flying insects making a meal of them.
It includes a complete list of all of the necessary things needed to get started and it also includes an easy to read and follow step by step instructional guide that covers everything from start to finish.
* 15 drops Citronella Essential Oil
* 10 drops Lemon Essential Oil
* 10 drops Eucalyptus Essential Oil
* Water
* 1/2 teaspoon of Glycerin
1. Mix all ingredients together in the spray bottle leaving one-inch space from the top. That one inch gives you room to shake spray bottle and mix the ingredients before each use.
Do not spray into your eyes. Put on sunglasses if you are going to spray your face.