These ten natural homemade cleaning recipes for your home are made from essential oils, kitchen staples and environmentally green dish wash soap. One of the perks of making your own cleaners is you can choose what essential oils you want add to the mix. The most powerful essential oil is Tea Tree oil, also known a Melaleuca alternifolia. It is an anti-fungal, antimicrobial and is one of the most powerful essential oils when making your own cleaning supplies. Other great essential oils to use for cleaning include; lemon, clove, peppermint, orange and lavender.
Most mass produced cleaners are made from some pretty nasty stuff. Look at the warning label on bleach. When vaporized, the chlorine will burn the lungs, and overtime with enough exposure it can cause permanent damage. While bleach does have a place in the household cleaning cupboard, it is best to use less toxic options when possible. Children and pets will thank you for using less harsh chemicals around your home.
Shiny sinks and happy homesteading.
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