Gallstones are pieces of solid material that form in the gall bladder. They develop because cholesterol and pigments in bile sometimes form hard particles. 80% of gallstones are cholesterol based stones and can be identified by their yellow green color.
There are various causes of gallstones including genetics, body weight, decreased motility (movement) of the gall bladder and diet. Any of these can cause an imbalance in the substances that make up bile, for example too much cholesterol in bile. This leads to the gall bladders inability to empty itself properly.
The risks of a person developing gallstones are heightened by their genetics, obesity, estrogen, ethnicity, gender and age (women are more prone to gallstones). More prone are also diabetics, people on cholesterol drugs and diabetics.
Sometimes people will have no clue they have gallstones unless they are diagnosed with them when having other medical issues investigated. They can be absolutely painless and therefore are sometimes known as the silent stones. When they are painful they can be excruciating with upper abdomen and upper back pain. Other effects include nausea, vomiting, bloating, indigestion, heartburn and gas.
Dependent on several factors you may undergo surgery or laser treatment for gallstones. In the meantime you would be given painkillers. These however do not always work, finding the right combo of pills can be a nightmare. In the interim you are left to try and soothe the pain yourselves. Some people have found soaking in the bath works, staying still can help too. Lowering the fat content in your diet can help but it is extremely hard to maintain a balanced diet when lowering the fat content enough to help with gall bladder stone pain.
If none of the above suits you, you could however try a home remedy. Again there is no guarantee that they will work but they are certainly worth trying.
Natural Remedy One – the liver detox: olive oil and Epsom salt cleanse.
This remedy takes three days of preparation and half a day to complete. To prep for this remedy you need to drink a glass of apple juice every two to three hours for three days. Once you have completed this get up the next day and eat a light, low fat breakfast and lunch. In the evening drink some olive oil, then go to bed. This should cause your body to expel pea sized greenish brown stones upon getting up the next day.
This remedy can cause side effects which include nausea, diarrhea and vomiting. If you are ill (other than gall stones) or on your period you should not attempt this home remedy.
Natural Remedy Two – Peppermint
The peppermint remedy aids digestion by stimulating the flow of bile and other digestive juices. To make the peppermint remedy simply boil one cup of water and add 1tsp of dried peppermint leaves. Remove this mixture from the heat and cover leaving to steep for four to five minutes. Finally strain and add 1tsp of honey then drink whilst still warm twice daily for four to six weeks. For maximum results drink in between meals.
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