These four natural remedies from kitchen for healthy garden include rose spray, deer repellent, mole repellent and cucumber beetle spray.

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For all of the things people by for their garden, they are chemical-based and expensive. People are getting into the naturally grown business and want to use products that are all safe. So, people have invented concoctions that work just as well as a store cleaner for their garden. There are many of these homemade remedies – some that work, others have zero effect.
Consider the following:
Rose Spray: This stops rust and mildew from forming. Mix a tablespoon of baking soda, dishwashing detergent, and vegetable oil, 1 dissolved aspirin, and a gallon of water.
Deer Repellent: It does what it says – keeps the deer from annoying the plants. Blend one raw egg and mix a tablespoon each of fish emulsion and Tabasco sauce.
Mole Repellent: Again, it does what it says. Get a tablespoon each of castor oil and dishwashing soap, and mix with a gallon of water.
Cucumber Beetle Spray: This kills beetles from causing damage to plants. Take a cup of hot water and have 3-6 garlic cloves and 6 small hot peppers soaked in it overnight. Then, mix it all up in a blender, filter it, and dilute it with another 3 cups of water. Pour in a spray bottle; it is quite strong to smell, so be careful if sensitive to such a smell.
These four homemade products are just as effective as a store-bought product to help gardens without the chemicals. Try it out.