Learn these facts about pine nuts and you may decide to add them to your diet. While there are many varieties of nuts that most people can readily recognize, it is highly unlikely that many would recognize the Pine Nut. This is probably because they are found concealed inside of pine cones and you have to know how to extract the nuts from the cone. This article was designed to help the reader not only learn how to find the nuts, but get the valuable seeds from inside the nut. Pine nuts are a great ant-inflammatory and provide great nutrients to your hair and skin.

This article is from Wayward Spark. In the article, the author talks about how difficult it can be to find and get at the seeds that are inside the nut. The article also includes a method for removing the seed from inside the nut which can be quite difficult.
Benefits of reading the Not so known fact about Pine Nuts
Learn more about how to gather seeds of the many species of Pine trees.
The article goes into detail about how find the seeds inside the nut from inside the pine cone.
It also describes a mostly successful process for extracting the desired seed from inside the nut.
You will find several full color images that are provided to help give a visual representation.