Raising LivestockNourish and Entertain Your Chickens with Alfalfa

Nourish and Entertain Your Chickens with Alfalfa

This simple way to nourish and entertain your homesteading chickens with alfalfa will create happiness and boost their immune systems. If you own chickens, you know how quickly you can become obsessed with them. Even if you haven’t raised them from chicks, you can grow extremely attached to the fuzzy little creatures. You obviously want to make sure they’re healthy and happy and, if possible, even entertained. However, this can be a difficult task to balance.

Nourish and Entertain Your Chickens with Alfalfa

Thankfully, the writer of this guide has figured out the perfect way to keep your chickens nourished and entertained.

This guide will take you through the reasons and the steps for creating alfalfa bails to nourish and entertain chickens. It explains how the pH levels in foods can actually cause quite a lot of harm in chickens during certain seasons. To keep your chickens cool, calm, and happy during the summer, you should definitely try these alfalfa bales.

Alfalfa is an alkaline green leaf that chickens flock to when it’s set out in the yard. Not only will they snack on it for a while, often picking alfalfa over any hay bales in the yard, but they’ll jump all over the bail, having lots of fun! And, once they’ve eaten alfalfa, the chickens tend to be much calmer.

Some other benefits of choosing an alfalfa bale over a hay on is the many nutrients found in the plant, such as:

– Vitamin A
– Calcium
– Phosphorus
– Vitamin E
– Potassium
– Vitamin B1
– Vitamin B2
– Vitamin B6
And much more, including lots of good protein.


Melissa Francis
Melissa Francis
Greetings! I'm Melissa Francis, the founder and primary contributor to The Homestead Survival. With over 20 years of experience in homesteading, sustainability, and emergency preparedness, I've dedicated my life to helping others achieve a simpler, more self-reliant lifestyle.

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