This gorgeous hall tree can be made from an old wood door. I love this and since it stands alone you could move it if you ever wanted to. I would hate to have to move away and leave this behind. I found the picture of it on Ella Ellavines where she show three different ways to repurpose an old door she bought into a hall tree.

There were no directions for doing this but the lady who I am assuming shared the picture originally somewhere saw it on Pinterest and gave instructions in the comments on how her husband made this one. Her blogging name is USA-Norway and she has a blog called Norsk-Svensk Foods, if anyone wanted to check it out. Since her instructions are in the comments I am going to copy and paste them here. If you would like to see the other two hall way tree ideas visit Ella’s page to see the pictures. There are no instructions for the other two but someone handy could probably figure it out.
Here are the instructions for this one from Usa-Norway.
” That’s MY wonderful gift from the hubby in our (now sold) summer home in Sweden!! Hall tree now sits in storage in Norway, but will be put to use in our houseboat there. Hooks were purchased on eBay, in London. Was a shock finding this on Pinterest! 🙂
Kent got the door, for free, just prior to its being cut up for firewood. He scraped off the old paint, sanded and repainted using an antique white. I drew up the side “pattern” on paper, and we used an old wood rail (from a bed) for each side. Bought a thick piece of wood (heavy) for the bottom support and added the shelf. The basket hangs from an antique glass door knob replica sent by a friend in the U.S.. Was a very easy two day project! Just brought a smile to my face seeing this today. :). Oops! Failed to mention the addition of crown molding to finish off the top. (Tree #3).”
So there you have it. An easy repurpose of an old door into a beautiful hall tree.