Emergency PreparednessPack To Go Lightweight Hiking and Camping

Pack To Go Lightweight Hiking and Camping

How to pack to go lightweight hiking and camping contains all the necessary items you need to have a wonderful camping experience.

Are you a hiking or camping enthusiast? This information will be very beneficial to you. The list has been compiled by experienced hikers and campers.

Pack To Go Lightweight Hiking and Camping

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A lot of inexperienced campers usually face the challenges of not knowing what to pack along because they do not know the kind of situations they will face. In the end they eventually go with a lot of unnecessary items while they miss out several necessary ones.

First of all, you have to realize that preparing for both hiking and camping is very similar to a survival situation. This is because you will be going away from power and telecommunication services. In fact, it also involves lack of potable water. This should give you an idea of what should be in your camping pack.

According to the list, you should have a sleeping bag, Zip T Base-Layer Top and bottom, several pairs of Merino socks, Hollow handled fixed blade knife for cutting and carving woods and even for skinning roasted games, titanium folder, retractable waterproof ear buds, MSR Hyperflow Microfilter, MSR Dromedary bag, zippered pouch with USB charging accessories, Ipad Mini with Lifeproof Case, Pack towel, Iphone 5, 6 or 7 with waterproof case and if you are a smoker, you should go with waterproof cigar case. You can go through the article to see the full list.

Remember, camping and hiking can only be fun if you are kitted with the right items. Please share the information to other camping enthusiasts and good luck in your next hiking or camping trip.

Click here to read about how to pack to go lightweight hiking and camping:


Melissa Francis
Melissa Francis
Greetings! I'm Melissa Francis, the founder and primary contributor to The Homestead Survival. With over 20 years of experience in homesteading, sustainability, and emergency preparedness, I've dedicated my life to helping others achieve a simpler, more self-reliant lifestyle.

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